Saturday, September 25, 2010

Gloucester 19 Sailboat Owners

MAIL CATALAN (1876 - 1985)

The newspaper El Correo Catalán was founded by journalist Manuel Mila de la Roca i Ràfols and the priest Felix Sarda. The wording was placed in the street Banys Nous Barcelona. The first issue came to light on December 16, 1876. Since its inception, became the mouthpiece of the traditional Catalan, being known as a popular daily defender de los intereses materiales y populares del país”. Por ello se enfrentó a otros diarios de carácter republicano y legitimista hasta el punto de ser suspendido por las autoridades, aunque volvió a aparecer bajo nuevas denominaciones como “El Eco del Milanesado”, “El Noticiero” (1880) y “El Fénix” (1900).
Manuel Milà de la Roca pronto cedió la dirección del periódico a Lluís Maria Llauder, nuevo propietario y director del diario hasta su muerte en el año 1904. Desde entonces un grupo de accionistas, formado por sacerdotes, alta y media nobleza española, propietarios, comerciantes e industriales, crearon una empresa editora con el nombre de Fomento Press Traditionalist SA
A year before the onset of the sports daily El Mundo Deportivo, El Correo Catalán in 1905 launched the first sports page in a general journal. It also created new sections on literature and agriculture.
Beginning in 1912, joined Solidarity Catalan Carlist continued to maintain its trend and started a bilingual stage he had written in Catalan and Castilian.
In the Civil War began on 20 July 1936, it stopped publishing and was seized by the Paritdo Workers Marxist Unification (POUM) to edit your body "Battle." Its director, Joan Soler i Janer, was forced to leave the address after you have done for years. Of the eighteen existing newspapers in the city and Barcelona on July 19, 1936, could only return four. And writing workshops were attacked and burned. El Correo Catalán
spontaneously brought a number the day after the fall of Barcelona, \u200b\u200band reappeared on February 14, 1939.

the late fifties came into the company that publishes a group of shareholders linked to the Catalan bourgeoisie. Andreu is the time Escofet Rossello and Manuel Ibanez, with whom the newspaper conducted a course for the moderate Catalan and democratic between 1958 and 1963.
Since 1964, adopts an "open" and "county", reaching more than 100,000 copies, and revamped its format full color graphics supplements coming out on Sunday. In 1965 he became a favorite newspapers opposed Franco and becoming the second largest in Catalonia, behind English La Vanguardia and ahead of El Noticiero Universal. Ibanez Escofet left the newspaper in 1968. In those years came to an occasional paper edited in Catalan, particularly in the color Sunday supplements including collectible booklets various topics.
In 1974 the board changed. According to the Office of Justification and Diffusion in just three years declined from 67,000 copies to 38,000, coming in a deep economic crisis in 1982. In November 1985, motivated employees strike over unpaid payroll precipitated the ultimate demise of the newspaper.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Kates Playground Free Mobies

The Puerto Bertoni

Scientific The Bertoni Monument (Presidente Franco, Alto Paraná) is Mbya Community, an indigenous community like many others, struggling to maintain its own culture and to retrieve a geographic area where they can develop their lives.
This community, in the beginning was founded by the Mbya people working for the Swiss scholar Moses Bertoni. Currently living in the same about 10 to 15 families, fighting neglect, indifference of the authorities and public indifference. Those who were formerly the owners of these lands we currently do not have enough land to develop.

What future awaits the children of Puerto Bertoni Mbya? Worth analyzing.
Over agriculture for subsistence, the natives are engaged in handicrafts, which provide students and tourists visiting the reserve, from all over the world.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Blueprint For Office Desk

Mbya Tajy yju or Lapacho `sa yellow.

Yellow Lapacho (Tabebuia alba) is a species that blooms in spring lapacho. It is distributed in several areas of our country as well as in Brazil and Argentina.
These days we can enjoy the unique beauty that gives us this tree with its beautiful flowers. We can see in the streets, in schools, on the banks of the route, forest remnants, even in the backyard of our houses. Here I share with you some simple tajy photos I've taken today.
A lone tajy in the courtyard of the Faculty of Philosophy
The yellow color stands out among the branches of trees.
When he again learn to live with nature, that day will be truly happy.