Sunday, June 20, 2010

Creamy Italian And Ranch Dressing

THE FIELD: art and current affairs magazine

The modernist pictorial SPHERE cutting out on the newsstands for the first time on January 3, 1914 of the hand publisher Prensa Gráfica, located at number 57 on the street in Madrid Hermosilla. Promoted and financed por los SS.MM. los Reyes de España D. Alfonso XIII y Dª. María Cristina, el responsable de su creación se debió a Nicolás María de Urgoiti, presidente también de la Papelera Española, hecho este que propició la puesta en escena de éste semanario de una calidad técnica superior a las revistas de su época, unido al desarrollo del periodismo gráfico que planteaba la imagen como elemento referencial de sus contenidos. Fue así como diversos reporteros gráficos, galeristas y creadores (paisajistas y pictoristas) encontraron un nuevo medio donde publicar sus trabajos, acompañados sólo por un pie de foto, hecho que reducía la redacción de noticias de actualidad a meros artículos and literary opinion.

The first director was Francisco Verdugo Landi and his manager Mariano Zavala. During World War I, in the absence of raw materials had to be increasing the price of the magazine and joined an advertising topped the front pages of most numbers until the end of it. Then he held a good place among the publications of large format. This publication eminently good graphics and format (36 x 27 cm) was innovative in terms of combining two previously separate concepts: first, the news as immediate information and commentary of the same for the feathers most reliable in each country at the time. On the other hand, attended the communicative, literary and artistic subjects equally relevant for those fields in your day. Of note is the emphasis in the review either graphical information of the news at the moment as in other fields such as art (sculpture, painting and architecture, among others) as well as the great illustrators when the photograph was not possible. Many ads were an extraordinary artistic quality as was the case of Gal perfume company, which published a weekly lineup that was part of a contest.
Initially, the spaces were allocated to 70% for titles and etchings, text by 20% and 10% for advertising in just over 30 pages. Subsequently, this distribution changed and was set to 50% for Art, text by 30% and 20% for advertising.

Under article Madripedia consulted, usually, a regular issue came to hold the cover and second cover panel (which was generally the reproduction of a painting, the cover having devoted painters and the second cover accredited painters at that time), the news of the day and commentary by a specialist in the field accompanied by artwork (This could be national or international or both), an article commented on the figures and works of the moment or of society (a literary level, painting, or sculpture, etc.), a graphic tour of a local literary-English, Hispanic or elsewhere in the world (showing the most artistic buildings or representative thereof), notes of society, but do not plan on "yellow press" (ie candidates for a chair of the Real Academia de la Lengua, opening of a large building, an international exhibition, the royal family of ... opened and facilities Metropolitano de Madrid, etc..), a short story writer popularity at that time, central pages (usually thicker than paper) devoted to art or fine art photography, information on the theater scene or "cinema" on the national stage, on film or American (which could not be otherwise), news of the "Sport" (Sport), and fashion (usually female) of the moment with great illustrators and / or photographic material.

During its first year of life, in August 1914, reached 55,000 and the price was 50 cents, then rising to a penny, too expensive for that time which demonstrates the elitist nature of the publication, available only to wealthier social classes. THE FIELD When the magazine celebrated its first anniversary, held a banquet at the Hotel Palace in Madrid in honor of Francisco Verdugo and Mariano Zavala, a tribute by signing the notice of the most important representatives of institutions of Madrid. In the early 30's, technological advances brought to light more affordable magazines printed in gravure photo news and more timely information (events, politics, sports, entertainment, etc.), Which adversely affected making SPHERE more in journal of elite and beginning its decline and subsequent disappearance on January 17, 1931. A total of 889 published numbers, the extra copies were published unnumbered. Writers and contributors were notable, among others, Benito Perez Galdos, Perez de Ayala, the brothers Quintero, Miguel de Unamuno, Emilia Pardo Bazán, José Carretero, Jacinto Benavente, Armando Palacio, Mariano de Cavia, José Hernández Cata and French.


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