Friday, May 6, 2011

Is Backache A Sympton Of Food Poisoning

They recognized the breaking of bread ...

Luke 24.13-35.

That same day, two of the disciples went to a small village called Emmaus, located approximately ten miles from Jerusalem. On the way they talked about what had happened. While talking and discussing, Jesus himself came and walked with them. But something prevented her eyes to recognize him. He told them: "What commented on the way?". They stood still, looking sad, and one of them, named Cleopas, answered him: "You're the only stranger in Jerusalem who does not know what happened in these days!". "What?" He asked. They replied: "What about Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people, and how our chief priests and our leaders handed him over to be sentenced to death and crucified him. We hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. But all this is already the third day since these things happened. It is true that some women who are with us have been puzzled: they went at dawn to the tomb and did not find the body of Jesus , again saying that they had seen angels, assuring them that he is alive. Some of us went to the tomb and found just as the women had said. But he did not see it. "

Jesus said," hard men of understanding, how they can not believe all that the prophets have spoken! Ought not the Messiah to suffer these things and enter into his glory? "And beginning with Moses and all prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.

When they arrived near the village where they were going Jesus made a motion to move forward. But they urged him strongly, "Stay with us, because it is too late and the day is over." He came and stayed with them. And being at the table, took bread and gave thanks ; then he broke it and gave it. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, but he had disappeared from sight. And they said: "Did not our heart burn anything, while he talked on the way to us the scriptures?".

At that moment, got up and returned to Jerusalem. There they found gathered together the eleven and the others who were with them, and they were told: "Yes, the Lord has risen and appeared to Simon." They, in turn, told what had happened on the way and how he was known to break bread. _______________________________________________________________________

Sunday's Gospel tells us the text of the Pilgrims of Emmaus, two disciples returning crestfallen and sad to his people as their hopes are over after the death of Jesus. And in this journey appears the risen Lord, but they recognize at the outset.

dialogue revolves around what had happened in relation to Jesus and His death on the cross, despite being seen as a prophet in deed and word, so sad to become her village. However, the Lord will explain, from Scripture, all that had to happen for the Scriptures themselves were met. Those disciples feel that slowly begins to change something in your heart, as they hear the voice of the pilgrims to Emmaus. When people reach their late afternoon, and the pilgrim who accompanied them on the road is fired, but they invite him to stay with them for dinner that night, "Stay with us, Lord, it is getting late." At the time of breaking bread in her eyes open and recognize it.

Jesus comes into our lives and walk with us, are we able to recognize in our lives?. The Lord walks with us and want to share our joys and sufferings to bring salvation and eternal life. The disciples did not recognize it, but the gesture Eucharistic bread and wine, they open the eyes of the heart and are able to see now whether, with eyes of faith, what was once confusion and sadness. Now if you can recognize that their hearts were burning, because it was the presence of the risen Lord that was near them, now you have acknowledged this in the table of the Eucharist, and return to Jerusalem, ie the community which is where is lived and experienced the Lord Jesus.

To all the brothers that this Sunday, like every Sunday, participate in the Mass, that we recognize our Lord in the consecrated Bread and Wine, and to those brothers and sisters who are sick or elderly who read this review, are being strengthened in prayer and fellowship with other brothers take you to you.


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