Friday, April 29, 2011

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Gospel of John 20.19 to 31.

the evening of that day, the first of the week, closed the doors being shut where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said: " Peace be with you! . " While saying this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said again: " Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, so I send you." By telling this, he breathed on them and said: "Receive the Holy Spirit. The sins will be forgiven to you retain the sins, and will be retained to you they are retained."

Thomas, one of the Twelve, nicknamed the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples said: "We have seen the Lord." He replied: "Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, if not put my finger where the nails and hand in his side, I will not believe. "

Eight days later, the disciples were again gathered in the house, and Thomas was with them. Then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood among them and said, " Peace be with you! . "Then he said to Thomas," Put your finger here, here are my hands. Reach out your hand: Put it in my side. Henceforth not be unbelieving, but believe. "Tomas said," My Lord and my God. "Jesus said," Now you think, because I've seen. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me! ".

Jesus performed well many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not reported in this paper. These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and believing, have life in his name. _________________________________________________________________________

On this Second Sunday of Easter, we are presented with the Risen Lord on entering the closed doors with which the disciples wanted to feel safe. But Jesus comes again above our own narrow-mindedness of heart, and our security. The Lord enters into our lives and in our church community to give us the good news of Easter to Life, the Resurrection, invites us to peace. The resurrection of Jesus brings us peace, and that is why the Lord three times greets saying "peace to you," the peace that comes from Jesus is based on justice and the dignity of all human beings, peace that comes from living the gospel he preached in his earthly life. Thomas

costing convinced that Jesus is risen and he does not believe his brothers. How often we too can not believe that Jesus is alive!. Or it costs us recognize this in the midst of his people, the product of so many inconsistencies and sins. Maybe we like to have that experience close to Thomas ... but happy we who believe without seeing.

that peace between our Church and cool and can make the Spirit of the Risen carrier so that it is the messenger of God's forgiveness to all mankind. That the Church can continue its task of evangelization around the world radiating the peace of God to all corners of the earth that we desperately need in all latitudes.

Jesus is placed in the midst of his disciples to fill them with joy, peace and send them to evangelize, which also can be placed in our midst and to give the missionary impulse to our church, to acknowledge the Lord in our countries many crucified and touch the wounds and sufferings of the poor can cry as Thomas: "My Lord and my God."

Thursday, April 28, 2011

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

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Mbyá Community History of Puerto Bertoni. Bicentennial

Mbyá community of Puerto Bertoni is located within the premises of Scientific Moises Bertoni Monument, in the district of Presidente Franco, about 26 kilometers from Ciudad del Este and currently has 10 families totaling approximately 70 people.
Puerto Bertoni's community is like many other companies mbyá, struggling to preserve their own culture ( the mbyareko ) and to recover what is rightfully theirs: their tekoha, facing lot of adverse situations, mainly the lack of private lands that will assure a dignified and secure.
The existence of this community is directly related to the presence of Moises Santiago Bertoni scientist in this area, since it was founded by the descendants of the mbyá who worked as laborers for the wise Swiss. When Moses Bertoni reached the area in year 1 888 and in the midst of hardship and deprivation was established in the virgin forest began to study the nature and contact with indigenous mbyá, who lived on the river Monday and Acaray , these ancient people, but did not stop to interact with their tekoha of origin, settled in the woods near the house of Bertoni, forming a new community, but rooted mbyareko to the natives who lived near rivers.
However, the formation of this new community, whose members worked as laborers to the wise, did not for the simple will of the native and was a contact that they sought, rather it was a relationship of convenience since by that time began the intensification of logging, the mate and the high forest palm Paranaense part of the Paraguayans and foreigners, not just facts put in serious danger to mbyá, but also other native peoples who inhabited this area, such as the Ache and Ava, who almost disappeared. But most have not gone as individuals, these events marked the end of life alone and secluded in the woods, the end of life for centuries defended weapons in the hands.
When the operation intensified, many Mbyá left the area and spent the other side of Paraná, in the Argentine territory and who decided to stay in their ancestral land to meet new contacts, had to accept a lifestyle very different from carrying on their ancient tekoha.
Among the changes they had to accept we can mention the wage labor for white employers , among whom was Bertoni, the reason for it, as noted above was to seek the protection of the sage Swiss to a strong and massive penetration of herbalists companies to its territory. Thus, Bertoni's guarding the other white and they worked on their farms and gave them some information he needed for his studies.
However, the security provided by the patron-peon relationship ended decades ago for mbyá Puerto Bertoni, since the death of the scientist, the other patterns are not fulfilled his promise and since the early 1960, when there was colonization of the forests of Alto Parana forest patterns sold to others, with the natives in, without any concern for the plight they were going to run them.

Source: Research conducted by Jorge Contreras and Yovan Ponte. 2011.

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PEACE WITH YOU JESUS \u200b\u200brisen, alleluia

Gospel of John 20.1 to 9.

the first day of the week, at dawn, when it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed. ran to meet Simon Peter and the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and said: "They have taken away the Lord and do not know where they laid him."
Peter and the other disciple went out and went to the tomb. ran the two together, but the other disciple ran faster than Peter and arrived first. Peering into the pit, he saw the burial cloths, but not entered . Then Simon Peter came, following him, and entered the tomb and saw the burial cloths, and also the cloth that had covered his head, this was not with the burial cloths but rolled up in a place apart. Then came the other disciple, who had come before the tomb: he also saw and believed . They had not understood that, according to Scripture, he must rise from the dead. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

This Sunday Christians celebrate the Sunday of the year, just "Sunday" means "Lord's Day" in memory of the Resurrection of Jesus. These days of Easter we have experienced, once again recalling the Passion, death and resurrection of Christ is for us the most important days of the year.

Sunday's Gospel (Jn 20.1-9), recounts the happy news that Sunday morning when Mary Magdalene had come early to see the tomb of Master, and finding the open run to tell the disciples of the discovery. Simon Peter and the beloved disciple in turn are also seeing the empty tomb. This student comes before Peter, and waits. The use of the verb "run" shows the desire to meet soon with Jesus, and the rush to proclaim, as was the case of Mary Magdalene.

A second word that strikes us in the gospel today is "get" the Gospel says that the youngest disciple came before, but has not entered. Once it became Peter, came to the tomb and saw that indeed the Lord's body was not only the bands and the shroud. The beloved disciple came, saw and believed is interesting that as we enter the empty tomb, the disciple sees, but sees only an empty tomb and a bandage on it, but a vision of faith, sees and believes in Jesus and His Word. It is necessary to enter the tomb, symbol of death and corruption to defeat with the Risen Lord, sin, the corrupt, leading to death and death itself.

we too enter into the depths of our being, and healing with the power of the spirit of Jesus, all you need to revive in us, so we can run to meet our brothers and friends and announce with joy that Jesus rose again for us today. HAPPY EASTER EASTER.

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Here is a collaboration of p. Manuel Hurtado (father Yaco) partner and friend in Mexico


The essential mystery of Holy Saturday is the absence of the Lord. The Church is waiting for the resurrection of her husband. The Lord has hidden his face, has stolen his presence, the Lord is absent, the Lord is mysteriously killed. This is what distinguishes it from any other time in terrestrial and celestial life of Jesus.

Christ in the Old Testament was not. In his earthly life was with us, was physically with men. In his heavenly life, as risen, is present in the middle of the church and the world, and more often by the power of the Holy Spirit. But mysteriously killed her presence makes no representation or terrestrial or celestial presence. The Lord is absent, is dead and this absence occurs liturgically as the deprivation of the Eucharist. It is impossible that the Eucharist is the Lord. This is the only day of the year when Mass is not celebrated anywhere in the world, because Jesus is dead.

vacuum Experience: When a loved one dies, we say that we has left a void that can not fill, this gap is awe, silence, fasting and mystery. The attitude to this mystery is the silence.

must remain in awe of the Lord's absence. This is a good day to think about what that means that God is with us. It is a good opportunity to review our life with God. How many times are we that we abandon? How many times have left only the Lord Jesus?

Today Jesus leave us alone. Not of its own, but because he's dead.

Jesus' death caused controversy believers: How can die if it is God? How can it die immortal?

Only this death can be understood in the context of salvation that Jesus offers. It is only possible to understand that God allowed his Son because something might happen and happen it was necessary to erase our sins and attain salvation. Without death there is no resurrection, and without resurrection there is no eternal life.


Jesus dying for us eternal life.

Today we contemplate the death of Jesus. A death that causes us, on the one hand, sorrow, and for another, joy.

Sadness because it is possible that an innocent has to suffer so much. Sadness because the cause of his death are my sins. Sadness because evil has come so far.

But killing me joy because this confirms the immense love God has for me. Joy because I know that Christ will win. Joy because that death will bring me salvation and eternal life.

This Saturday, at nightfall we will celebrate the Easter Vigil. The celebration of the Easter Vigil is the most important feast of the Christian year. It is the holy night, the night is long, is the night victorious. Christ rose early on Sunday. But do not want to wait, we can not stay home. Since Saturday night we celebrated the triumph of Jesus. From tonight we sing the Lord's victory.

The Easter Vigil has many interesting and important elements that help us understand what we celebrate: light, water, ridges, especially the Gloria and Alleluia are signs that the Lord has risen. That Christ is present with us. That did not stay in the grave.

Let us live this day immersed in sorrow for the death and the joy of the Resurrection.

His friend Father Yaco

Thursday, April 21, 2011

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Reflection for Holy Saturday Easter Reflections

Tonight we celebrated the Eucharist with the community of St. Agnes parish in Valdivia (Chile), with a small group of brothers and sisters, in the darkness of night and in the midst of a severe storm that plagues our region of southern Chile, and without light, until a little while back. After the Mass, we had a little moment of Eucharistic adoration, accompanying the Lord in the sad night of Gethsemane. I do not know because I always causes a feeling of great sorrow and despair. To see how little by little all are withdrawn into silence and perhaps these same feelings in my heart. I wonder if I've been able to express the sentiments of Jesus at the Last Supper, after the washing of feet he did with his disciples and that as a priest again. But never Easter and tonight in particular I feel more instrument of Jesus and yet so weak in this ministry entrusted to me, without deserving it. I

we can follow Jesus with freedom of the heart, without ambition, or envy, we can all feel as brothers to each other, that we can look into the eyes, no matter where they come from and what we do. How many weeks will have to go holy to the Christian ideal is fulfilled in us?. If everyone could open their hearts and could see Christ in others and therefore respect and love him as if it were Jesus himself, we say that the Kingdom of God is near.

to everyone who read this blog regularly, or perhaps first time do. People who know me, my friends. For those who do not know and some comments will help the Gospels, a fraternal embrace of a priest who wants only the message of our common master, Jesus. To those of you who share the priestly ministry, which these days are a renewing our ministry style of Jesus, and we can join in a big hug priesthood.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

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YA (1935-1996)

Founded by Editorial Catolica, SA (DTIS), the newspaper was already on newsstands on January 14, 1935 as an evening publication coming out every day, including Monday despite the Royal Order requiring that the Sunday rest most newspaper editorials. Its director was Vincent Gallo. At the outbreak of the English Civil War, the July 20, 1936 was suspended and the Communist Party of Spain used its presses to publish the newspaper Mundo Obrero.
After the Civil War, the newspaper became a morning YA. Until 1952 was directed by Juan José Pradera, who had several conflicts with the direction of the company. His replacement, Aquilino Morcillo, was 23 years in front of the newspaper. It was a fruitful stage for the first time, was introduced gravure, while it changed the format of the newspaper by a smaller, more manageable, and with color covers on Sundays and holidays, days when a charge was also introduced Sunday. In the last years of Franco's regime, the newspaper meant for its line of openness. Due to its conservative orientation, was one of the most popular and influential newspapers in Spain under Franco. Articles appeared regularly in a group of intellectuals and politicians Democrats, Tacitus belonging to the group. With Alejandro Fernandez Pombo, director from 1974 until 1980, the newspaper managed to successfully replace the old linotype. In 1975, Franco's death, became the best-selling newspaper in Madrid, with 177,000 copies daily on average.

The decline began in the 1980's, is a clear sign of the recession the frequency with which the bishops changed directors (Manuel Jiménez Quiles, José María Castillo, Luis Venancio Acute Guillermo Medina, Fernando Onega and Ramon Pi). With Jiménez Quilez that remained one year, the online newspaper took a turn right again.
In 1988, the Episcopal Conference and the head sold its flagship building in Madrid to a Basque group subsidiary Comeco (now Grupo Correo) beginning a period of decline. During this decade the newspaper format was changed again struggling to adapt to more modern designs of the era. The new owners failed in their attempt to refloat, and in July 1991 was sold to Antena 3 TV.
This TV station, then still owned by the Conde de Godo, failed in his project to create a media group and sold it in December 1992, the Mexican group by the Southern Publishing symbolic price of one peseta. However, the new owners suspended payments in July 1993. In October 1994, Miguel Angel Gnecco Chilean businessman claimed to have bought the newspaper. In December 1994, the editor of El Diario de Ávila, Aurelio Delgado, bought the paper in an agreement with representatives of Antena 3 TV, the Community of Madrid and UGT. Caja Madrid gave a loan of 600 million pesetas to the newspaper, endorsed by the Community. In September 1995, Aurelio Delgado announced a capital increase amounting to 800 million pesetas that never happened. Finally, in April 1996, the 160 daily workers demanded to Edic for unpaid wages.

In June 1996 the Justice recognized the right of staff to terminate their contracts and collect 2,000 million pesetas in compensation. The daily YA insolvent, declared the 160 workers laid off as owners of property rights in the header of YA daily press, the computer system and other goods.
On January 25, 2006, went to auction the old file photo diary NOW, which was won by 40,000 € to the Foundation San Pablo-CEU.
On July 1, 2008, reappeared in a daily Internet news DAILY under the name of YA, where one of the teachers working as CEU columnists. The director of this digital edition is Rafael Nieto, being part owner of the digital edition Juan Manuel Pozuelo. During the presentation at the Madrid Press Association, the same Rafael Nieto said: "Our editorial line is very clear: we are against all abortion, any form of euthanasia, and defend the unity of Spain, because we believe that Spain and Catholicism were born together, "adding that ending the head" is not of any party. "

Casalinge Maturescopano

Comblin Joseph died, theologian and priest

Rio de Janeiro, March 27 (EFE) .-

The Belgian priest Joseph Comblin , one of the most important representatives of the liberation theology that came to be expelled from Chile and Brazil for their ideas, died today at age 88 in Simoes Filho Brazilian city of natural causes, church sources said.
Comblin, a scholar of Latin American Church and author of works such as "Liberation Theology," Theology of Azada "and" Ideology gives Homeland Security, "died in the small town of Simoes Filho, in Bahia State (northeast) and where he had gone to take a basic course communities.
The priest, who had heart problems and wore a pacemaker, was found dead in the room that was hosted by other priests who were waiting for morning prayer and that they missed their delay.
The Belgian religious body will be watched today in the city of Salvador, near the regional capital and Simoes Filho, and buried in a small town in the impoverished Brazilian state of Paraíba according to your wishes, Efe said spokesmen for the Archdiocese of Bar also in the state of Bahia, where he lived.
Comblin was one of the main supporters and aides Brazilian bishop Helder Camara, defender of human rights and the choice of the Church for the poor became known during the Brazilian dictatorship as the "Red Bishop."
addition to specializing in studies of the Latin American Church, the religious Belgium contributed to the construction of liberation theology, especially that directed at poor farmers and rural dwellers.
Comblin, born in Brussels on March 22, 1923, was ordained in 1947 and earned his doctorate in theology at the Catholic University of Louvain.
The priest first came to Brazil in 1958 to meet the request of Pope Pius XII European priests to act as volunteer missionaries in regions with a shortage of priests.
initially was established in Campinas in the interior of Sao Paulo where he served as a teacher and went to the Young Catholic Workers, where he worked as a consultant.
In Sao Paulo, where he remained until 1962 before traveling to Chile, he taught at the Theological School of the Dominican friars and theologians would highlight after the liberation and resistance to the dictatorship in Brazil, including and Frei Betto Frei Tito.
After three years teaching at the Faculty of Theology of Chile, returned to Brazil in 1965 to receive an invitation from Helder Camara, then bishop of Recife, to serve as professor of Theology Institute of Recife.
His controversial works and his work with the liberation theologians made him the target of the Brazilian military regime, which ordered his arrest and deportation in 1971.
lived for 8 years in exile in Chile where he helped create a rural workshop in Talca, but after the publication of a book on the ideology of national security, was expelled by the regime of Augusto Pinochet in 1978.
The Belgian priest then returned to Brazil to work in the state of Paraíba, where he founded a workshop in rural areas but, as he entered the country on a tourist visa, was forced to travel abroad every three months to renew the authorization.
Their legal status was regularized only after the 1979 amnesty law.
Besides his theological works and seminars that helped to found, Comblin also created several lay movements such as Missionaries and Missionaries in the Middle Country People. EFE

Friday, April 15, 2011

Veneers And Gums And Infection

On this day Christians celebrate the feast of Palm Sunday, which remembers Jesus' entry into the holy city of Jerusalem, amid the praise of many people who were excited by the miracles and words Jesus. However, we know that a few days will be taken prisoner, condemned and crucified by the religious and political authorities of the time, with the approval and indifference of the people that came to his defense.

We can ask these past events, reported in the New Testament, what does that say to us today, is it only a memory of a past event, is it just an act of devotion?, "a day to get the field blessed to have during the year?.

Remember the deeds of Jesus, is more than just a memory, is to present the Risen Lord among his people today is once again praise him, and every day of his life and his Gospel, save. The Church will once again into the street with branches in cities and fields singing and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, "Hosanna in Heaven, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord " as an expression of our faith.

begins with the celebration of Holy Week, updating the memory of the death and resurrection of Jesus, and therefore the foundation of our faith and the Church, which follows his Lord and his Gospel message. Let this be a time of purification, forgiveness and resurrection for our Church, which comes out renewed and walk the humble path of truth and justice of his Master.

Let's go with the joy of our temples, churches and chapels in our cities and rural areas throughout our Latin America and the Caribbean, U.S., Spain and Europe, happy with our branches to receive Jesus walks among us. We present especially to those brothers who suffer persecucción Nuestrso and may not enter this Holy Week as we are.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

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Paraguay. Significance and importance. Lake

Bicentennial Historical Paraguay.

The history of Paraguay as the nation begins to form and with the arrival of the English itself to these South American lands. Thanks to the great "discovery" of the Genoese navigator Christopher Columbus (1492), these lands were thereafter is under the administration of the English, in addition to the Portuguese who arrived in the area of \u200b\u200bBrazil since 1500. However, we can not fail to note that the first arrivals to this area in South America were the Guarani, which often were almost exterminated in the struggle with the Europeans, because they performed forced labor or new diseases introduced by the conquerors, in return, in Paraguay, but also There were bitter struggles and rebellions, the Guarani arrived to make alliances with the English, thus giving rise to the Paraguayan nation.
In 1776, a fairly significant case regarding the organization of English rule in America with the creation of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, to the present territories of Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay and part Brazil, disintegrated territories of the Viceroyalty of Peru. With that fact, the city of Buenos Aires became the capital of the new viceroyalty in total loss of Asunción, which was relegated in the background. In 1782, the viceroyalty was divided into municipalities and governorates, Buenos Aires and Asuncion was a governor was a Government-Municipality until 1811, under the command of Bernardo de Velazco English and Huidobro.
Governor Velazco was fairly accepted by the Paraguayans. Instead there is inevitably raises several questions: What events caused seeking independence from the Paraguayans?, what were the causes that led to the revolutionary coup? Therefore, to understand the causes of Paraguayan independence, we must go back to the events that occurred in the late eighteenth century in Europe and America. External causes were diverse, including ideological issues mentioned , understood this as the influences of the thoughts of Rousseau, Montesquieu, Voltaire and others, whose books came to America and were read by many intellectuals. So how are you new ideas led to substantial changes in Europe, as the French Revolution in 1789, produced the same effect on America, promoting the pursuit of economic freedom among the English colonists (1776). A significant event in the weakening of English power in America was the invasion of Napoleon in the Iberian Peninsula, this event marked the beginning of the end of the power of the English crown in this continent.
When the British invaded the Río de la Plata in 1806 and 1807, the Paraguayan patriots bravely participated in the defense of colonial power, this also made them see the Paraguayan Creoles had sufficient preparation to govern alone in case there is a necessity. All these events above constitute external causes of Paraguayan independence.
However, the internal causes of the Paraguayan find that emancipation from colonial times, the Paraguayans were very left out of politics, not allowed to hold any office, ie, the Patriots sought self-government they needed and they realized that they were trained for this task. The fact that showed they had enough power to have self-government was demonstrated when the Paraguayan soldiers defeated Argentine troops of General Manuel Belgrano in January and March 1811 (Battle of Cerro Porteno and Tacuary,) when he dabbled in Paraguay in order to achieve its annexation as part of the emerging Argentina.
In the days before the revolution, patriots José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia, Fulgencio Yegros, Vicente Iturbe, Pedro Juan Caballero, Mariano Antonio Molas, Mauricio Jose Troche, Fernando de la Mora and others met regularly in the family home Martínez Sáenz (now Independence House) where he devised the beat for 25 of May 1811. However, on the morning of May 14, Vicente Ignacio Iturbe found that Velasco government was aware of the conspiracy, a fact that forced the Patriots to run the same night the coup. To consummate the triumph of the revolution on the morning of May 15, the designated headquarters Doctor France and Juan Valeriano Zeballos as deputies to be associated with the Governor Velazco, constituted the triumvirate. However, this was a ploy by Dr France to appease the English living in Asuncion. Velazco be deposed on June 9, 1811.
Since its independence on May 15, 1811, the path followed by Paraguay at certain stages was difficult, but thanks to the tenacity and sacrifice the Paraguayan people, has always risen from adversity. The main events that happened thereafter can be summarized as follows: the June 17, 1811 met the First National Congress, summoned by the heroes of May and is the Superior Governing Board, composed Fulgencio Yegros, Doctor Francia, Fernando de la Mora, Pedro Juan Caballero and Francisco Javier Bogarín.
Soon, the leadership of Dr. France begin to hoard the other heroes, and so 1813, was another form of government, the Consulate and composed only by France and Yegros. In 1814, Congress appointed Dr. France as Supreme Dictator for a period of five years, however, in 1816, the Congress would appoint him as Dictator Perpetuo, that is, until his death which happened in 1840. With the long rule, France was one of the most striking figures in Paraguayan history, but despite all the controversies, it is undeniable that, thanks to his tireless struggle for independence, Paraguay could establish itself as a sovereign state, despite that its independence was not accepted by Argentina and Brazil.
Although, Paraguay and was independent from 1811, was only on December 25, 1842 that Congress formally declared national independence, and during the presidency of Carlos Antonio López. The government of Don Carlos was characterized by significant economic and cultural development of the country, a major concern of Lopez was the recognition of independence by neighboring countries, and this effort devoted much of his life. Brazil would recognize him in 1844 and Argentina in 1852. Don Carlos was as President of Paraguay until his death on September 10, 1862.
Le succeeded by his son Francisco Solano López, who had already accompanied Don Carlos in the efforts of government, Solano Lopez continued the work of his father, but during his rule in Paraguay came upon a tragic war against the Triple Alliance, composed of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. The terrible conflict put an indelible stamp on the nation's history, so much talk of a before and after the war.
In 1885, the state has by law the sale of public lands that had accumulated during the governments of France and the López. Thus was born the great private estates in Paraguay, an event whose consequences are still felt. Two years later, in 1887 produced la fundación de los partidos políticos Liberal y Colorado. En agosto de 1904, cuando recién el país se levantaba de las ruinas de la guerra grande, se inicia la insurrección del Partido Liberal contra el presidente colorado Juan Escurra. La revolución triunfó a fines de 1904, llevando al poder a los liberales, hasta entonces incapaces de acceder al poder. Pese a la anarquía que siguió a la revolución, la administración se regularizó a partir del gobierno de Eligio Ayala.
De esta manera se llegó al primer centenario de la independencia paraguaya, en ese entonces, Paraguay pasaba por una gran inestabilidad política, producto de constantes coup attempts. In March 1911, Colonel Albino Jara had successfully assumed power as president after defeating his enemies. Since he had no intention of calling an election, the de facto president, demonstrating their intention to perpetuate his control, issued a decree which provided for a wild action: the centenary of independence was held in the month of October 1813, breaking a long tradition of celebrating in the month of May. What is the excuse the coup Jara? We know that the real reason not to celebrate the centenary was in fact that was not popular and that his government was hanging by a thread, but the legal excuse was the idea that the Patriots failed to independence at the May 15, 1811, but only on October 12, 1813, the date on which established the Consulate and changed the name of our country, which happened to be called Province to Republic of Paraguay. The idea of \u200b\u200bAlbino Jara had no historical foundation, so it was not accepted by the population, so many legal battles after the centenary was celebrated in the month of May 1911, but with little government involvement in the same .
años1932 and 1935 saw the Chaco War. Though victorious in the war against Bolivia, Paraguay suffered the consequences of the growth of the army, in the next 50 years would be the dominant force in Paraguayan politics. So, right now in February 1936 Revolution took place February, which tried to carry out certain social measures, but that just might stay a year and a half in power.
The Paraguay was involved in a bloody civil war in March 1947 with the rise of liberal, February and Communists against the military dictatorship of Higinio Morinigo. With support from the Colorado Party, Morínigo could suppress the revolution, which was followed by severe repression and exile of thousands of Paraguayans.
The longest dictatorial system would begin on May 4, 1954, when, through a coup, General Alfredo Stroessner access to power and implements a repressive regime that would end on February 3, 1989 with the overthrow of Stroessner, beginning a gradual transition towards democracy. Shortly after the coup dismantled the torture chambers and many exiles returned home. A Stroeesner succeeded him in power for the red Andrés Rodríguez, Juan Carlos Wasmosy, Raul Cubas Grau, Luis Gonzalez Macchi and Nicanor Duarte Frutos.
On April 20, 2008 took a historic event, as did the first change of government from one party to another by popular vote in the exercise of sovereignty, with the victory of Fernando Lugo Méndez, making it so, the 52nd president of the Republic of Paraguay.
Thus, in 2011 Paraguay reached its bicentennial, 200 years of independence, is undoubtedly a historic event worth remembering and celebrating, but also a suitable moment to to analyze the past, review the errors and assess the successes and sovereign country. The Bicentennial is not an accident, is a product of a long struggle, a dream cherished the past two centuries: the desire to see Paraguay as an independent state, and in that sense we can say that we are on track. Health Paraguay, for the bicentenary of your independence!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Unique Engagement Announcement Wording Funny

TELE / EXPRES (1964-1980)

Tele / eXpres evening was an independent newspaper published in Barcelona on the evening of September 16, 1964, published in Castilian. It was the first private newspaper published after Civil War English that broke the gray monotony of a press censorship under the Franco regime. One new daily feature new color, with blue logo, red fish fillets and the massive use of negative. Designed in the likeness of the popular France Soir, Tele / Express was the first to appear in broadsheet format, for its enormous dimensions. Building the expectations aroused by Press Law adopted by the Minister Manuel Fraga Iribarne, authorized the new paper thanks to the good relations of the owner, the banker and industrial products from Manlleu Lastortras Jaume Castell, with the regime, especially the dictator's son, the Marquis of Villaverde, who went hunting in Africa. Principal shareholder of Banco de Madrid, the Catalan Development Bank, the food industry La Piara and Cinesa film, also had interests in the chemical industry and the emerging tourism sector. The other members of the group were Carla felt, Federico Gallo and Andre-Avel • lí Artís "Sempronius." Unlike other newspapers, edited every day, Monday included when other newspaper publishers met the royal decree that required the Sabbath.

began with a sensationalist, why always had problems with Franco's censors and caused suspicion among the other newspapers of Barcelona. But he was standing by the heterogeneity of writing (Federico Gallo, Manuel del Arco, Maisterra Pascual, Josep Pernau, Juan Segura Palomares, Jaume Miravitlles and Josep Maria Lladó).
Between 1964 and 1966 the director was Andrew Avel-lí Artis "Sempronius," which had nothing to do with Franco and that fits in with the republican tradition of journalism. Journalists formed a writing system, such as television Federico Gallo, censor or police Maisterra Pasqual Horcajada Romulus, and youth anti-Franco as Pere Oriol Costa, Matthew Madridejos, Dario Vidal or Ricardo Mazo, who form the core of the newspaper. Also surrounded himself with former colleagues, some arrived from exile, as Jaume Miravitlles, Josep Maria Lladó or his cousin Avel lí Artistic • Gener "Tísner." Soon, however, would be evidence that the regime could not withstand even a breath of fresh air. An article critical of Bishop Pine, Bishop of Lleida and confessor of Carmen Polo de Franco, it took the director position in 1966. Fraga made against strings Castell interests cinematic or dismissing the director or the film Chimes at Midnight, by Orson Welles, caused by Cinesa not represent Spain at the Cannes Film Festival.

Ignacio Agustí took the lead, but his article in which he described as incordiantes monks to priests who had expressed torture against the police put the paper in front of his home crowd and he picked up Carlos Castell Sentís, assisted in the sub by Manuel del Arco. But the banker had already noticed that newspapers do not so simple and in 1968 sold it to the Conde de Godo, owner of La Vanguardia, half the day.
The new ownership took a dramatic turn to Tele / eXpres, naming Escofet director Manuel Ibanez, who gave his most brilliant day between 1968 and 1975. Appointed assistant to Peter O. Costa and leaned against the younger sector with additions such as Joan of Sagar, Terenci Moix, Manuel Vázquez Montalban, Ramon Barnils, Montserrat Roig and Jaume Perich, printing and publication an air breaker who became a reference in that anxious Barcelona, \u200b\u200beducated, politicized and fun, the end of the sixties and seventies. Rigorous informative tone alternating with a lighthearted and provocative opinion, what an eager public loyalty currency. As he approached the end of the dictatorship, Franco overwhelming pressure on the newspaper and the property is stressed. Sailing with cunning, Ibanez was overcoming hurdles to the summer of 1975, when an article by columnist Josep Maria Huertas Claveria on brothels of Barcelona came up with this in jail. Passionate, heart resented director shortly thereafter and was replaced by Pere Oriol Costa in 1976. Published weekly since 1975 one or two pages in Catalan culture. Other contributors were Peter Maduro, Txerra Cirbián and photographer Kim Manresa.

The dictator's death marked the beginning of a new era for the country and, of course, to journalism. Assuming the new situation was not easy and Tele / Express was acquired in 1977 by the peculiar group of Sebastià Auger. Despite the efforts of its editors led by Cesar Millan, Miguel Á. Bastenier and Tristan La Rosa, the precarious economic situation of the group found its demise in 1980.

Sources: C3% A9s / Depec / mvm / diaris / telexp.htm . php? option = Tele-eXpres