Gospel of John 20.1 to 9.
Peter and the other disciple went out and went to the tomb. ran the two together, but the other disciple ran faster than Peter and arrived first. Peering into the pit, he saw the burial cloths, but not entered . Then Simon Peter came, following him, and entered the tomb and saw the burial cloths, and also the cloth that had covered his head, this was not with the burial cloths but rolled up in a place apart. Then came the other disciple, who had come before the tomb: he also saw and believed . They had not understood that, according to Scripture, he must rise from the dead. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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This Sunday Christians celebrate the Sunday of the year, just "Sunday" means "Lord's Day" in memory of the Resurrection of Jesus. These days of Easter we have experienced, once again recalling the Passion, death and resurrection of Christ is for us the most important days of the year.
Sunday's Gospel (Jn 20.1-9), recounts the happy news that Sunday morning when Mary Magdalene had come early to see the tomb of Master, and finding the open run to tell the disciples of the discovery. Simon Peter and the beloved disciple in turn are also seeing the empty tomb. This student comes before Peter, and waits. The use of the verb "run" shows the desire to meet soon with Jesus, and the rush to proclaim, as was the case of Mary Magdalene.
A second word that strikes us in the gospel today is "get" the Gospel says that the youngest disciple came before, but has not entered. Once it became Peter, came to the tomb and saw that indeed the Lord's body was not only the bands and the shroud. The beloved disciple came, saw and believed is interesting that as we enter the empty tomb, the disciple sees, but sees only an empty tomb and a bandage on it, but a vision of faith, sees and believes in Jesus and His Word. It is necessary to enter the tomb, symbol of death and corruption to defeat with the Risen Lord, sin, the corrupt, leading to death and death itself.
we too enter into the depths of our being, and healing with the power of the spirit of Jesus, all you need to revive in us, so we can run to meet our brothers and friends and announce with joy that Jesus rose again for us today. HAPPY EASTER EASTER.
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