Tonight we celebrated the Eucharist with the community of St. Agnes parish in Valdivia (Chile), with a small group of brothers and sisters, in the darkness of night and in the midst of a severe storm that plagues our region of southern Chile, and without light, until a little while back. After the Mass, we had a little moment of Eucharistic adoration, accompanying the Lord in the sad night of Gethsemane. I do not know because I always causes a feeling of great sorrow and despair. To see how little by little all are withdrawn into silence and perhaps these same feelings in my heart. I wonder if I've been able to express the sentiments of Jesus at the Last Supper, after the washing of feet he did with his disciples and that as a priest again. But never Easter and tonight in particular I feel more instrument of Jesus and yet so weak in this ministry entrusted to me, without deserving it. I
we can follow Jesus with freedom of the heart, without ambition, or envy, we can all feel as brothers to each other, that we can look into the eyes, no matter where they come from and what we do. How many weeks will have to go holy to the Christian ideal is fulfilled in us?. If everyone could open their hearts and could see Christ in others and therefore respect and love him as if it were Jesus himself, we say that the Kingdom of God is near.
to everyone who read this blog regularly, or perhaps first time do. People who know me, my friends. For those who do not know and some comments will help the Gospels, a fraternal embrace of a priest who wants only the message of our common master, Jesus. To those of you who share the priestly ministry, which these days are a renewing our ministry style of Jesus, and we can join in a big hug priesthood.
we can follow Jesus with freedom of the heart, without ambition, or envy, we can all feel as brothers to each other, that we can look into the eyes, no matter where they come from and what we do. How many weeks will have to go holy to the Christian ideal is fulfilled in us?. If everyone could open their hearts and could see Christ in others and therefore respect and love him as if it were Jesus himself, we say that the Kingdom of God is near.
to everyone who read this blog regularly, or perhaps first time do. People who know me, my friends. For those who do not know and some comments will help the Gospels, a fraternal embrace of a priest who wants only the message of our common master, Jesus. To those of you who share the priestly ministry, which these days are a renewing our ministry style of Jesus, and we can join in a big hug priesthood.
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