Saturday, April 23, 2011

Florida Drivers License For Canadians

Here is a collaboration of p. Manuel Hurtado (father Yaco) partner and friend in Mexico


The essential mystery of Holy Saturday is the absence of the Lord. The Church is waiting for the resurrection of her husband. The Lord has hidden his face, has stolen his presence, the Lord is absent, the Lord is mysteriously killed. This is what distinguishes it from any other time in terrestrial and celestial life of Jesus.

Christ in the Old Testament was not. In his earthly life was with us, was physically with men. In his heavenly life, as risen, is present in the middle of the church and the world, and more often by the power of the Holy Spirit. But mysteriously killed her presence makes no representation or terrestrial or celestial presence. The Lord is absent, is dead and this absence occurs liturgically as the deprivation of the Eucharist. It is impossible that the Eucharist is the Lord. This is the only day of the year when Mass is not celebrated anywhere in the world, because Jesus is dead.

vacuum Experience: When a loved one dies, we say that we has left a void that can not fill, this gap is awe, silence, fasting and mystery. The attitude to this mystery is the silence.

must remain in awe of the Lord's absence. This is a good day to think about what that means that God is with us. It is a good opportunity to review our life with God. How many times are we that we abandon? How many times have left only the Lord Jesus?

Today Jesus leave us alone. Not of its own, but because he's dead.

Jesus' death caused controversy believers: How can die if it is God? How can it die immortal?

Only this death can be understood in the context of salvation that Jesus offers. It is only possible to understand that God allowed his Son because something might happen and happen it was necessary to erase our sins and attain salvation. Without death there is no resurrection, and without resurrection there is no eternal life.


Jesus dying for us eternal life.

Today we contemplate the death of Jesus. A death that causes us, on the one hand, sorrow, and for another, joy.

Sadness because it is possible that an innocent has to suffer so much. Sadness because the cause of his death are my sins. Sadness because evil has come so far.

But killing me joy because this confirms the immense love God has for me. Joy because I know that Christ will win. Joy because that death will bring me salvation and eternal life.

This Saturday, at nightfall we will celebrate the Easter Vigil. The celebration of the Easter Vigil is the most important feast of the Christian year. It is the holy night, the night is long, is the night victorious. Christ rose early on Sunday. But do not want to wait, we can not stay home. Since Saturday night we celebrated the triumph of Jesus. From tonight we sing the Lord's victory.

The Easter Vigil has many interesting and important elements that help us understand what we celebrate: light, water, ridges, especially the Gloria and Alleluia are signs that the Lord has risen. That Christ is present with us. That did not stay in the grave.

Let us live this day immersed in sorrow for the death and the joy of the Resurrection.

His friend Father Yaco


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