On this day Christians celebrate the feast of Palm Sunday, which remembers Jesus' entry into the holy city of Jerusalem, amid the praise of many people who were excited by the miracles and words Jesus. However, we know that a few days will be taken prisoner, condemned and crucified by the religious and political authorities of the time, with the approval and indifference of the people that came to his defense.
We can ask these past events, reported in the New Testament, what does that say to us today, is it only a memory of a past event, is it just an act of devotion?, "a day to get the field blessed to have during the year?.
Remember the deeds of Jesus, is more than just a memory, is to present the Risen Lord among his people today is once again praise him, and every day of his life and his Gospel, save. The Church will once again into the street with branches in cities and fields singing and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, "Hosanna in Heaven, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord " as an expression of our faith.
begins with the celebration of Holy Week, updating the memory of the death and resurrection of Jesus, and therefore the foundation of our faith and the Church, which follows his Lord and his Gospel message. Let this be a time of purification, forgiveness and resurrection for our Church, which comes out renewed and walk the humble path of truth and justice of his Master.
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